Since 2013, Orange Shirt Day has been held on September 30 of each year. The main objective of this day is to educate and raise awareness of the residential school system among the Canadian public. At the heart of this initiative is the impact that the residential school system has had, and continues to have, on First Nations communities for over a century. Recent discoveries of unmarked graves around residential schools in different parts of the country have been a sad reminder that this legacy is far from over. That is why CartoVista has decided to present a map focused on the residential school system. It is articulated in two main themes.
Type of schools
In this section, you will find three topics that focus on the religious affiliation of the residential schools, the provinces where they are located and the status of the buildings. Pictures will support your analysis.
This theme looks at the duration of use of these residential schools, including the year they opened and closed.
To realize that these macabre places are much closer to your home than you might imagine, you have the possibility to activate the tool for creating isochrones/isodistances wherever you want in the country. You will then see which residential schools are inside the isochron you have created.
Globe and Mail
Library Archives Canada
Provincial Archives