European Languages Day Map

The European Day of Languages was created in 2001 and is celebrated every year on September 26th. Its goal is to celebrate the cultural diversity of the Old Continent. That’s why CartoVista, thanks to data collected by Eurostat, has decided to prepare a map painting a linguistic portrait of Europe.

The map is divided into 4 main themes to give you a complete overview of the subject.


The first theme focuses on primary, middle and high school and asks the following question: How many and which foreign languages are studied per level in Europe? A pie chart is also present, which allows us to quickly understand which languages are the most studied in each country. Finally, a column chart summarizes this information.

Number of languages spoken

The second theme is the number of foreign languages spoken in Europe. It is interesting to know how many languages are spoken in European countries, to be able to analyze their educational system. The coloured triangles symbolize the evolution between 2011 and 2016, illustrating the results of the different European nations.

Level in each country

The third theme shows the level of the first foreign language in each country by categorizing them from beginner, through the intermediate and fluent level. The evolution between 2011 and 2016 allows us to see the progress or decline of some countries.

Number of students

Finally, the last theme wonders how many students there are in each country for the 6 most studied languages in Europe, namely English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Russian. Again, the coloured triangles allow us to see the evolution of these numbers between 2013 and 2018.
