You are here: CartoVista Viewer HTML > Panels > Charts | HTML Viewer | CartoVista Help


The Charts panel is used to view the thematic data graphically.


  • The name of the thematic data is displayed as the title of the chart.
  • If a thematic analysis is currently displayed on the map, the same colors will be used in the corresponding chart.
  • When mousing over a chart item, a data tip is displayed on the chart and the corresponding map feature is highlighted on the map.
  • Double-click on a chart item to zoom to the feature on the map.


Use the chart name drop-down to view another chart.
Add a new chart to the map. See the topic on Charts Settings for more information.

Export the chart to either a raster image (.PNG) or a vector graphic (.SVG). When exporting to vector format, the content can be scaled without impacting the quality.

Access to the Charts Settings.
Add a new chart area.
Remove a chart area.