You are here: CartoVista Viewer HTML > Top Bar > Create a New Thematic Analysis

Create a New Thematic Analysis

The Create a New Thematic Analysis button is used to create a new thematic analysis in a new theme set based on the current map displayed.

  1. Select one of the layers available in the drop-down list.
  2. Select one or more thematic data to display.
  3. Select one of the Types of Thematic Analysis available. The layer geometry type (points, polylines or polygons) and the nature of the thematic data (string or numeric) has a direct effect on the types of thematic analysis available.
  4. Press Add to create the new thematic analysis selected.

Custom Analyses

The new theme set with the new thematic analysis will be listed in a new category called Custom Analyses. This category appears at the top of the drop-down list of theme sets predefined by the application's administrator.

The options for theme sets in the Custom Analyses category are:

Pin the theme set to be able to return to it later. The next new thematic analysis created will generate a new custom theme set.
Rename the custom theme set.
Cancel changes.
Confirm changes.
Delete the custom theme set.

You can combine several thematic analyses in one custom theme set. In such a case, the default theme set title includes the name of all thematic data used, separated by a comma.

Once created, the style of each thematic analysis, such as the color, size, shape or ranges of values can be modified by using the Legend Settings.

You can also remove a thematic analysis from a custom theme set by accessing the Legend Settings and choosing the Remove option.