You are here: CartoVista Viewer HTML > Map Interface > Drawing and Annotation Toolbar

Drawing and Annotation Toolbar

Create Features

Display the drawing and annotation tools.
Hide the drawing and annotation tools.

Select a drawn feature for editing.

Add an annotation.

Add a point.

Draw a polyline on the map and double-click to end.

Add a polygon. You can select the type of polygon in the drop-down.

Draw a free form polygon on the map and double-click to end.

Draw a rectangle on the map.

Draw an ellipse on the map.

Edit Features Properties

When features are selected with the Select a drawn feature tool, they are displayed with a gray selection frame. It is then possible to:

  • Move the selected feature by drag and drop.
  • Use the squares handles of the selection frame to resize the feature.

  • Use the circle handle at the top of the selection frame to apply a rotation.

  • Double-click on a selected polyline or polygone to modify its shape. The shape's nodes are displayed using squares. You can move a node by drag and drop. To add a new node, select a circle between 2 nodes and drag it to the desired location. A new node is added when you release the mouse.
  • Use the Drawing and Annotation panel to edit the features styles and attributes.