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Map Toolbar

The Map Toolbar displays the following tools:

Navigation Tools

Initial Extents

Return to the initial view of the map.

Zoom In

Click on the map to display a closer view of the map. The map scale is multiplied by 2. You can also draw a rectangle on the map to closely define the area you want to zoom to. In addition, you can use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in (scroll towards the top).

Zoom Out

Click on the map to display a wider view of the map. The map scale is divided by 2. In addition, you can use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom out (scroll towards the bottom).


Grab and drag to recenter the map.

Previous View

Return to the previous view of the map.

Next View

Return to the next view of the map.

Measure Tools


Define a path on the map to calculate the distance between 2 locations and the cumulative distance along the whole line. When you are done, double-click to end.

Area Calculator

Draw a polygon on the map to calculate the perimeter and the total area. When you are done, double-click to end.

Selection Tools

Please note that the Spatial Intersection tool can be available when certain conditions are met.


In the selection menu, select the layer you want to query from and a selection tool from the options bellow. The selected features will be highlighted on the map and their rows will be displayed in the Selection panel. If you wish to expand the current selection, use the SHIFT or CONTROL key while selecting more map features on the map or in the data panel.

Simple Selection

Select a single map feature.

Circular Selection

Draw a circle on the map to select multiple features. The circle radius is displayed as an info tip as you draw.

Rectangular Selection

Draw a rectangle on the map to select multiple features. The rectangle width and height are displayed as an info tip as you draw.

Polygonal Selection

Draw a free form polygon on the map to select multiple features and double-click to end.

Unselect All

Unselect all map features.

Search and Querying Tools


Click on a specific point on the map. The information for all the features intersecting with that location will be displayed in the Information panel. In addition, an icon will be displayed where you clicked to identify the map feature(s) for which information is available.

Info with Pan

Recenter the map and get information on map features for a specific point of the map.


Open a hyperlink associated with a map feature.

Google Street View

Click on a specific point on the map to open a Google Street View. As this functionality uses Google services, CartoVista can't guaranty the availability of images. To get better results, zoom in until the roads are visible and click as close as possible to a roadway.