World Health Organization Map

While the crisis related to covid-19 has been running around the world since late 2019, the name of the World Health Organization has been in the news for many months. It must be said that this specialized agency of the United Nations, created in 1948, is on the front line to try to fight this pandemic. But it is also facing the growing geopolitical rivalry between the United States and China, which have ambitions to pull the strings of this instance or to openly criticize it.

Therefore CartoVista wanted to prepare a synthetic map presenting WHO, its functioning, the origin of its funds, the role of its leaders etc. The map is divided into two parts.

Internal structure

The first one focuses on the internal structure of the organization. These themes allow us to observe the geographical division of the 6 major regions of the Organization, but also to know where the regional offices and the official headquarters are located. Finally, it is in this theme that our cartographers have represented the origin of the members of the Board of Directors, the candidates for the prestigious position of Director General as well as the current and former holders of this office.

Donations received by WHO

The second part of this map focuses on the funds of the World Health Organization. CartoVista has mapped the contributions by country but also by inhabitants, which allows to see that some nations stand out more than others. Finally, the theme of donations to support the WHO is as original as it is relevant. These have been divided into 6 categories (donations from an international organization, a private foundation or an NGO, private industry, a region or a province, a sovereign government and finally a university or a research center). This allows us to understand the importance of private funds for the proper functioning of this institution.


World Health Organization