Vaccines to fight Covid19 Map

The third wave of the Covid19 pandemic is intense around the world, with the development of new variants. A large part of the planet is once again in lockdown at home, and this despite the start of vaccination campaigns in many countries. CartoVista prepared a map that includes two interesting themes on the subject.

Acceptability of vaccination

The first theme focuses on the acceptance and skepticism of vaccination by the population of each country. Thus, CartoVista took a high-profile survey from 2018 (before the pandemic) that focused on three major themes in relation to vaccines (so the three topics were mapped globally).
– Does the public consider vaccines to be safe?
– Does the public consider vaccines to be effective?
– Does the public consider vaccines important for children?

Vaccination to fight Covid19

Finally, the second theme shows the evolution of vaccination campaigns against Covid19 with a daily update thanks to a process developed by the CartoVista team. This allows us to see the evolution and the rhythm of each country regarding the distribution of vaccines but also to see the percentage of inhabitants vaccinated in total but also per day.

We hope you enjoy this map and most of all that you are taking care of yourself in these difficult times.


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