Heat Map

This type of thematic analyse uses a gradient of colors to display the geographic distribution of a point layer. In general, low density areas are represented with cold colors (blue, green) while areas of higher density are displayed with warmer tones (yellow, orange, red).

Heat Map showing the density of a point layer

Heat Map with Features Visible

Heat Map with Features Visible in Data Clusters

Heat Map showing the intensity of a thematic data

Legend Settings

When this thematic analysis is displayed, the Legend Settings are accessible from the Legend panel to customize the thematic analysis name, opacity and the following settings:

Set the color radius representing each map feature in screen (pixels) or map (meters, feet) units.

Insert the desired radius size in the text box.

Drag the slider to the desired radius size.

Choose one of the predefined color palettes.

Show the map features above the heat map color gradient.