Themes Configuration

The Themes Configuration dialog is used to create the default theme sets available in a map. You will be able to visualize the results of your configurations directly in the Themes Configuration dialog. When you are done, close the dialog and Save the CVM.

Top Bar and Theme Set List

A tree view display of theme sets, categories and sub-categories allows you to create and organize an unlimited number of theme sets.



Creates a new category or subcategory.
Creates a new theme set.
Sets the selected theme set as the default theme set. This theme set will displayed by default in the published map. A green check mark identifies the default theme set in the Themes Configuration dialog.
Renames the theme set.
Moves the selected theme set up one position.
Moves the selected theme set down one position.
Removes the selected theme set.

Create a New Thematic Analysis

Use the Create a New Thematic Analysis button to add a thematic analysis to a theme set.

  1. Select one of the layers available in the drop-down list.
  2. Select one or more thematic data to display.
  3. Select one of the types of thematic analysis available. The layer's geometry type (points, polylines or polygons) and the nature of the thematic data (string or numeric) has a direct effect on the types of thematic analyses available.
  4. Press Add to create the new thematic analysis.

See the CartoVista Viewer Documentationto learn about all the different types of thematic analysis available.

Enhanced Theme Sets

For each theme set, you can preset specific options in the following panels:


Determine which layer will be displayed by default in the data panel for each theme set.

Apply filters on different layers and thematic data to prepare advanced analysis in a theme set.


Determine which layer will be displayed by default in the search panel for each theme set.


Add new chart areas, create different types of charts, modify their settings and change their order of appearance.

Layer Control

Use the layer control panel to define the opacity and visibility of each layer. You can also turn the clustering on or off for different theme sets using the same point layer.


The style of each thematic analysis, such as the color, size, shape or ranges of values, can be modified by using the legend settings.

You can remove a thematic analysis from a theme set by accessing the legend settings and choosing the Remove option.