Computer Security Map

As today is Cyber Security Day, CartoVista has decided to to create a map prepare a map about this issue. The covid19 epidemic that is increasing the use of computers for teleworking and the explosion of internet use on a global level are leading to a significant rise in cyber-attacks around the world. That’s why CartoVista wanted to create this map combining two differently calculated indexes with the following themes:

National Cyber Security Index

The first topic focuses on the “National Cyber Security Index”, an index calculated out of 100 to see the protection of the Internet by country (represented by a blue colour range). The NCSI also calculates the level of digital development of each nation, in other words, the importance of the Internet network per country (represented by triangles of gradual size). We have therefore correlated the extent of internet service with its actual protection (represented by the colours of each triangle).


The second theme uses a study presented by Comparitech. This one presents an annual cybersecurity index by country, which allowed us to represent the difference between 2020 and 2019. Another theme focuses on malware, showing the number of attacks for the percentage of users but also the type of technology affected (cell phone, computer). Finally, the last theme illustrates the preparation and effectiveness of legislation against cyber-attacks for each country.
