
Mental Health Awareness Map

May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. CartoVista is contributing to the efforts of raising awareness and education on the matter by sharing resources from the World Health Organization. The WHO tracks this important issue every year and makes available a variety of information to learn more about the situation in many […]


Flow of Oil Map

As summits to protect the environment are held around the world, oil exports are always a good indicator of where countries stand in their efforts to combat global warming. This is the main topic of this map. Regions of the US This map shows the global oil exports from the 5 major US regions to […]


Electricity sources in the US

The recent power blackouts in Texas have put the obsolescence of the U.S. electricity power network into perspective. The cold spell in the state led to overconsumption that quickly saturated the network, resulting in the death of several people and massive damages. That is why CartoVista decided to create a map of the different sources […]


Stop Bullying Map

In 2008, Gordon Campbell, then Premier of the Canadian province of British Columbia, decided that the last Wednesday of February would be “Anti-Bullying Day”. This measure will soon become federal and therefore in effect across Canada. This day, known as “Anti-Bullying Day”, but also as “Pink T-shirt Day”, in reference to the associations that help […]


Carnival Map

Although Carnival is a traditional Christian festival, this event is commemorated in many countries around the world. Indeed, whether in Cadiz, Rio de Janeiro, New Orleans, Nice or Quebec City, many people participate in parades, dress up, dance, and throw confetti, paper masks, or cotillions into the crowd. CartoVista has decided to offer you a […]


NFL Super Bowl Map

Super Bowl LV, which will take place in Tampa on February 7, 2021, will oppose the Kansas City Chiefs to the Tampa Bay Buccaners. Despite the pandemic and the restrictions, this game will be remembered as a great sports moment of the year 2021, with two talented teams, a half-time concert by The Weeknd and […]


Vaccines to fight Covid19 Map

The third wave of the Covid19 pandemic is intense around the world, with the development of new variants. A large part of the planet is once again in lockdown at home, and this despite the start of vaccination campaigns in many countries. CartoVista prepared a map that includes two interesting themes on the subject. Acceptability […]


Grid Layer Map

CartoVista is very pleased to present a map with our new “Grid Layer” feature. This new feature is primarily aimed at users who work with drone imagery, remote sensing data and satellite imagery often used for all kinds of government and business intelligence projects. By finally providing a way to combine your raster data with […]


Computer Security Map

As today is Cyber Security Day, CartoVista has decided to to create a map prepare a map about this issue. The covid19 epidemic that is increasing the use of computers for teleworking and the explosion of internet use on a global level are leading to a significant rise in cyber-attacks around the world. That’s why […]